
Aboriginal Participation in National Meetings

The Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) is seeking funding from the Tucker Foundation to help facilitate Aboriginal participation in national meetings in 2018, 2019 & 2020. Organising the meeting is a large undertaking with work beginning three months in advance. The meetings are currently held each October. In July the committee decides on a venue and committee members assemble a team of volunteers to begin work on organising a venue, travel and accommodation for those attending, canvassing members to set the agenda and catering. The ANFA database is updated to include any newly impacted communities and/or organisations working on nuclear issues. Contact is made with all member groups and organisation of the travel arrangements and drafting of a meeting agenda begins. The majority of coordination work is provided as in-kind support from member organisations. The funds that we are requesting are to cover travel and accommodation costs for two representatives from each Aboriginal community directly impacted by nuclear developments to attend the meeting (approx. 50 people), the hire of a conference room for the weekend of the meeting and catering. At the meeting, the program consists of forums with multi-media content and open discussion groups assisted by environmentalists, health professionals, unionists, campaigners and activists. The meeting is documented, minutes are recorded and a statement is produced. Following the meeting, these are circulated to all ANFA members. A new National Committee will be formed at the meeting that will coordinate ANFA´s work throughout the following year.