Environmental Justice Australia

All Grants Awarded, Awarded 2019

Legal support to citizen scientists on the forests protection front-line


This project provides legal support to in-the-field “citizen scientists” who are playing a critical role in protecting threatened species threatened by logging.

This legal support can take the form of training, legal advice or legal representation.

Supporting communities and citizen scientists endeavouring to protect our forests and the wildlife that inhabits them is important work. Significant gains made by environmental groups in the courts risk being undermined as VicForests continues to plan and undertake logging without first conducting adequate threatened species surveys.

The only things putting the brakes on VicForests is action by citizen scientists who locate and document threatened species in areas slated for logging – and effective legal interventions.

Court cases draw attention to the biodiversity crisis, the failure of governments to enforce existing laws and limitations in the current legal framework. Organisations campaigning for the next generation of environmental laws have identified cases like the ones our lawyers run as important opportunities to build the power of the campaign.

Litigation, particularly around forests, has permanently protected important wild places. It has successfully protected thousands of hectares of the best native forest under imminent threat from logging over the last six years.

Examples include Brown Mountain, Sylvia Creek, Hensleigh Creek, Cob Hill Rainforest Site of Significance and the iconic Kuark old-growth forests. Litigation in Victoria has played a central role in highlighting the impact of native forest logging and creating the political climate for reform.


The Tucker Foundation has regular funding rounds.


We will be accepting grant applications from Monday 1st July - Saturday 31st August 2024.

The application form will be available on this website during this period.