
Junior Top Blokes Mentoring Program

The Junior Top Blokes Mentoring program is an evidence-based program that directly responds to the current trends of anti-social behaviour, community isolation and higher incidences of mental health issues among males aged 14-17. It improves social harmony by strengthening the mental health, well-being and emotional resilience of teenage boys while improving their engagement and perception within the wider community. Over 16 weeks, groups of 14-17 year old male high school students complete 16 x one-hour workshops, facilitated by qualified youth workers and together explore the social and societal issues that are currently or soon to be facing the participants. Our funding request will enable 2 high schools, Picnic Point High School, Picnic Point & Delany College, Granville, who fall below the median of the ICSEA (Index for Community Socio-Educational Advantage) and SEIFA (Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas) who are on our waiting list, to receive our program for 12 months. This will enable approx 72-96 at-risk and disadvantaged young men to complete the program. Outputs include: – Delivery of program to 2 disadvantaged high schools – 8 x 16 week programs across two high schools – 128 workshops in total – Between 72-96 participants to complete the program – Employment of two youth workers for 7 hrs per week x 34 weeks – 8 x outcome reports to be shared with funder, stakeholders and schools.